

技术方案之 Kubernetes大规模容器网络优化


技术方案之 Kubernetes大规模容器网络优化 背景 1.1 大规模集群特点 大业务:单模块超大规模副本(300+) 小业务:资源减少边际成本(平摊控制

TIPS之 Kubernetes kube-proxy xtable lock 问题排查

Kubernetes kube-proxy xtable lock 问题排查

Kubernetes kube-proxy xtable lock 问题排查 背景错误 Failed to execute iptables-restore: exit status 1 (iptables-restore: line xxx failed) Failed to ensure that filter chain KUBE-SERVICES exists: error creating chain "KUBE-EXTERNAL-SERVICES": exit status 4: Another app is currently holding the xtables lock. Stopped waiting after 5s. 问题原因一 iptables 相关命令(如 iptables

TIPS之 Kubernetes kubectl http2:client connect lost 问题排查

Kubernetes kubectl http2:client connect lost 问题排查

现象 表现是:通过kubectl 请求远端接口时,出现部分报错 $ kubectl get deploy -n xxx E1104 18:00:08.121482 32134 request.go:1058] Unexpected error when reading response body: http2: client connection lost unexpected error when reading response body. Please retry. Original error: http2: client connection lost 分析过程 观测a